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4 essential things to do before buying furniture

Want to buy new furniture? Unable to understand how to choose what to choose from these enormous types, qualities, and prices? No worries guys, we are here to help. Just follow these instructions and you are good to go.

Set your budget
This is the first step and the wise one too. Discuss with your family what you want to buy for your home. It’s not that you are buying it every day. So, take the decision slowly and unitedly.

You should buy your desired furniture product according to your budget. If you earn big, then go for big. If you earn less, then go for moderate. Not only that, it will help you to select your favorite furniture. If you do not set budget, you will be in a maze.

Research Product types

Secondly, you should research the furniture product you want to buy. Assume, you want to buy Sofa set. Now decide, what type of Sofa you want to buy. A wooden one? A Cain product? A wooden board or Malaysian one? Or a steel grade Sofa?

Once you select the product type go for a deep research. If you want durability, go for the wooden one. It’s not finished. Do you know which wood is a good one? Not only that, can you identify the good one?

Yes, it is not easy. But not to worry, it not that hard too. Talk to the experienced one who has bought it before. With her/his instruction browse the internet or go to the shops for further understanding. We recommend you should visit physical shops although you want to order online. 

Browse Shops, select and bargain

Now it is time for the visit. We recommend that you should go nearby places. Because it is convenient and easy. Once you reach the destination, enter into a furniture shop and just see through.

If the salesperson or the shop owner ask you what you are looking for, tell them about your product. Remember if they ask you about your budget (in a non-fixed price furniture shop), do not tell them. If you do, then they will show you their recommended products which are profitable to them, not to you.

You should choose the product then ask about the features and price range. Once you express your selection they will show you different features and price range products for you. From those products, if you choose one, picture it in your mind. Another thing you can do is ask for the fixed price.

Remember, their fixed price is not fixed! They will say the close price range. If it is close to your budget, be happy but don’t express in front of them. You will say, you will get back to them shortly.

After your response, you could find two different expressions of them. First, they could ask you about your price or they could tell you their ultimate price. we recommend do not buy your desired product without comparing.  

Compare the product & price n Buy!
This is your last step but the most important one. Go to different shops and search the furniture product you chose before. You can ask for it or tell them to show a better one. Once they showed to you, see thoroughly. if it is better than the last one and close to your budget go for it. If it is not that better skip it.

We recommend not to hurry when you buy your desired product. Go at least 5 different furniture shops before you buy your furniture. If you can’t decide it one day, take another day to buy. You can visit the first day for research and take another day to buy. Cause it needs a calm mind to decide.


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