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Gardening: The secret buddy for your health

It feels awesome when you have a buddy and he/she takes care of you, isn’t it? But how can you describe this one? One of your best buddies takes care of your health and you just found out? Yes, that’s right. You become speechless. Gardening does such things. It’s not just a hobby, it’s your secret buddy. Want to how? Let’s find out.

It refreshes your mind

You very much enjoy your time when you are with your best buddy. You don’t even know how much time you spend. If you start gardening, you feel it the same way. It will be your hangout place. So, you will never feel lonely again if you do gardening.

Research shows that peaceful mind reduces or even eliminates anxiety, anger and stress. But here is the surprise, it also shows that gardening can help to reduce this health issues. You don’t even need your meditation guru if you start gardening.

Better exercise scheme

Don’t believe me. Just start gardening, you will see for yourself. Don’t worry I am not skipping this part. Let me ask you first. What does someone do for exercise? How much time they spend? Let’s say, on average they spend 1 hour for Jogging, gym workout and so on. Well, gardening is way better than that. You don’t need to do all those to burn your calories or lose your weight. You can do this in an easy and much enjoyable way.

Just find a piece of land and start digging. Get some water to prepare the bed. Make a fence. And it is done. You just shaped your garden. As easy as it sounds. Now plant some flowering plant or vegetable seeds. Water it every day. Tilth it once a week. Trust me, you will see the difference within a month.

Source of organic food

Chemical mixed fruit and vegetables are very harmful to our health. On the other hand, organic fruits and vegetables are like a gift from the heaven. It’s not that you are getting this every day. But it may help you to build a better health plan. And a small veg and fruit garden can provide you that.

You don’t need to work hard for getting this. Once you finished making your garden, work 2/3 hours for the first two or three days. After that just keep on eye on the seeds and water it. depending on what kind of fruits and vegs have you planted, it may take 3 weeks to one year on average. But I think it deserves to wait for a better health, Don’t you?  


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মার্কেটিং কপি- আকিজ গ্রুপ

   কাঁচা কিংবা পাকা খাই , ফ্রুটিকাতেই মজা পাই   আফি ঝাল চানাচুর , ঝালে ঝালে সকাল দুপুর । পারফেক্ট খিচুড়ি আর মাংশ ভুনায় আফি ’ র আচার স্বাদ যোগায় । ফার্ম ফ্রেশ দুধ , শুধুই দুধ আর কিছু নয় । Vanita, the beauty of your kitchen & bathroom. Kathena, the mirror of your floors.