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5 crucial creative writing tips for beginners

Want to write something awesome? Didn’t know how start your writings? No worries, just read this short article. Trust me, you will be on your way to gain your creative writing skills.

Stay with nature
Yeah, that’s right. Do not forget ‘nature is the first teacher’. If you want to write creatively, you should blend in with the nature. Go to the park near you. Sit alone in a less crowded area. Watch the bird’s flying, the water flow, the interaction between man and women. Listen to the beautiful sound of nature, bird’s tweeting or even a busker’s singing.

Just watch even you stay there less than an hour. No need for memorizing, it will come to you eventually. Believe me, staying with nature will intrigue your creative writing skills if you follow the other steps.

Find a quiet place
Now it’s time for you to write. But don’t just bump into writing before making your environment. It does not mean you can’t write whenever you want. See the environment around you. If you think it is in your favor, you are free to write.

You can write at your home, less crowded cafes or parks even libraries. But the place should be like your reading room. It will make you comfortable to write anything you want.

Write every detail
Let’s go back to the park or wherever you went to picture the moments. The moments you want to write. Remember now? Ok, now write down what you saw or heard there. Start with the first thing you saw, like ‘Earlier this morning I went to a park. Before entering the park, I saw a homeless man sitting beside the gate’.

Now describe the homeless man. Try to remember every detail. The more you can express, the more you enrich your writing skills. And this the secret of creative writing may be no one told you before.

Don’t bother with errors
Once you start your writing, do not, never, ever think of the errors you might do. If you think of the errors, it will slow down your writing. Errors including spelling and grammatical mistakes. Yes, you read it right. Trust me, I have been there.

If you use Microsoft Word or any other software like this, your spelling will be auto-corrected or put a red mark on the wrong spelling. And as for the grammar, you can check it online (Ginger, Scribens etc.) or download extensions like Grammarly in your web browser. But put in mind that if you want to improve your grammar or spelling, you should learn it manually.

Now it’s time for editing!
Tell me the truth, you didn’t worry that I may mislead you! I don’t mind at all. Once you wrote down your piece, read thoroughly. See if there any spelling or grammatical errors or not. Correct it if you found one. Check it one or two more times.

Treat your every writing as a climbing rope of your future masterpiece. Remember no one is a born writer. It will take time but do not lose hope. Start today and see your writing after 6 months or a year later. Trust me, you will not believe yourself too! 


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   কাঁচা কিংবা পাকা খাই , ফ্রুটিকাতেই মজা পাই   আফি ঝাল চানাচুর , ঝালে ঝালে সকাল দুপুর । পারফেক্ট খিচুড়ি আর মাংশ ভুনায় আফি ’ র আচার স্বাদ যোগায় । ফার্ম ফ্রেশ দুধ , শুধুই দুধ আর কিছু নয় । Vanita, the beauty of your kitchen & bathroom. Kathena, the mirror of your floors.